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Noun: injector  in'jek-tu(r)
  1. A contrivance for injecting (e.g., water into the boiler of a steam engine or particles into an accelerator etc.)
  2. An injector, ejector, steam ejector, steam injector, eductor-jet pump or thermocompressor is a type of pump.
    "Depending on the specific application, an injector can take the form of an eductor-jet pump, a water eductor, a vacuum ejector, a steam-jet ejector, or an aspirator.";
    - thermocompressor, eductor-jet pump, ejector, steam ejector, steam injector

Derived forms: injectors

Type of: appliance, contraption, contrivance, convenience, gadget, gismo [informal], gizmo [informal], pump, widget

Encyclopedia: Injector