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Adjective: infatuated  in'fa-choo,ey-tid
  1. Feeling strong, obsessive or foolish love
    "he was infatuated with her";
    - enamored [US], in love, potty [Brit, informal], smitten, soft on, taken with, enamoured [Brit, Cdn], besotted, lovestruck [informal]
Verb: infatuate  in'fa-choo,eyt
  1. Arouse unreasoning love or passion in and cause to behave in an irrational way
    "His new car has infatuated him"; "love has infatuated her"

See also: loving

Type of: arouse, elicit, enkindle [literary], evoke, fire, kindle, provoke, raise

Encyclopedia: Infatuate