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Noun: housecleaning  'haws,klee-ning
  1. (figurative) the act of reforming by the removal of unwanted personnel, practices or conditions
    "more housecleaning is in store at other accounting firms"; "many employees were discharged in a general housecleaning by the new owners"
  2. The act of cleaning the rooms and furnishings of a house
    "efficient housecleaning should proceed one room at a time"
Verb: houseclean  'haws,kleen
  1. Clean and tidy up the house
    "She housecleans every week";
    - clean house [N. Amer], clean

Derived forms: housecleanings

Type of: clean, clean up, cleaning, cleansing, cleanup, declutter, neaten, reform, square away [N. Amer], straighten, straighten out, tidy, tidy up

Encyclopedia: Housecleaning