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Noun: honoring  ó-nu-ring
Usage: US (elsewhere: honouring)
  1. Conformity with law, custom or practice etc.
    - observance, honouring [Brit, Cdn]
Verb: honor  ó-nur
Usage: US (elsewhere: honour)
  1. Bestow honor or rewards upon
    "Today we honor our soldiers";
    - honour [Brit, Cdn], reward, fete, fête
  2. Show respect towards
    "honor your parents!";
    - respect, honour [Brit, Cdn], abide by, observe
  3. Accept as pay
    "we honor checks and drafts";
    - honour [Brit, Cdn]

Type of: abidance, accept, compliance, conformation, conformity, have, recognise [Brit], recognize, take

Encyclopedia: Honoring

Honor, Michigan