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Noun: haem  heem
Usage: Brit, Cdn (US: heme)
  1. A complex red organic pigment containing iron and other atoms to which oxygen binds
    - heme [N. Amer], hematin [N. Amer], haemitin [Brit, Cdn], protoheme, haematin [Brit, Cdn], hemitin [N. Amer]
Combining form: haem-
Usage: Brit, Cdn (US: hem-)
  1. Blood
    - hem- [N. Amer], hemo- [N. Amer], haemo- [Brit, Cdn], haemato- [Brit, Cdn], hemato- [N. Amer]

Derived forms: haems

Type of: pigment

Part of: cytochrome, haemoglobin [Brit, Cdn], Hb, hemoglobin [N. Amer], myoglobin

Encyclopedia: Haem