Adjective: gracious grey-shus
Usage: informal
- Characterized by charm, good taste, and generosity of spirit
"he bears insult with gracious good humour"; "gracious even to unexpected visitors"; "gracious living"
- Characterized by kindness and warm courtesy especially of a king to his subjects
"our gracious king";
- benignant
- Exhibiting courtesy and politeness
"a gracious gesture";
- courteous, nice
- Disposed to bestow favours
"thanks to the gracious gods"
Usage: informal
- Used to express surprise;
"gracious, it was half the price last time I was here!"";
- bejeezus [N. Amer, informal], Christ [informal], Christmas [informal], crikey [Brit, informal], cripes [informal], cor [Brit, informal], crumbs [Brit, informal], gosh [informal], golly [informal], by George [informal], by Jove [informal], blimey [Brit, informal], gorblimey [Brit, informal], cor blimey [Brit, informal], my [informal], holy cow [informal], holy mackerel [informal], holy smoke [informal], holy moley [informal], holy moly [informal], fancy [Brit, informal], good grief [informal], goodness [informal], goodness me [informal], Gordon Bennett [informal], gracious me [informal], fancy that [informal], gawd [informal], god, my word, oh, O, ah, oh boy [informal], jeez [informal], geez [informal], strewth [Brit, informal], struth [Brit, informal], yikes [informal], I'll be blowed [Brit, informal], blow me [Brit, informal], heck [informal], blooming heck [Brit, informal], jeepers [informal], jeepers creepers [informal], Lord [informal], Lordy [informal], marry [archaic], well I never [informal], heavens [informal], good heavens [informal], my goodness [informal], Jesus [informal], bejesus [N. Amer, informal], od [archaic]
See also: elegant, friendly, graceful, kind, merciful, polite, propitious, refined
Antonym: ungracious
Encyclopedia: Gracious