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Noun: garbo  'gaa(r),bow
Usage: Austral, informal
  1. Someone employed to collect and dispose of refuse
    - garbage man [N. Amer], garbageman [N. Amer], garbage collector [N. Amer], garbage carter [N. Amer], garbage hauler [N. Amer], refuse collector, dustman [Brit], bin man [Brit, informal], binman [Brit, informal], trashman [N. Amer]
Noun: Garbo  gaa(r)-bow
  1. United States film actress (born in Sweden) known for her reclusiveness (1905-1990)
    - Greta Garbo, Greta Louisa Gustafsson

Derived forms: garbos

Type of: actress, hauler [N. Amer], haulier [Brit]

Encyclopedia: Garbo, Tibet