Adjective: foregone for'gón
- Well in the past; former
"dreams of foregone times";
- bygone, bypast [archaic], departed, gone
- Determined in advance; inevitable
"it was a foregone conclusion"
- Set aside or refrain from enforcing (a rule, requirement, or formality)
"We'll forego the normal approval process";
- waive, relinquish, forgo, foreswear, dispense with
- Abandon, relinquish or do without, especially a right or claim
"She decided to forego the usual bonus";
- forfeit, give up, throw overboard, waive, forgo
- Be earlier in time; go back further
"This tradition foregoes modern customs";
- predate, precede, antecede, antedate
Sounds like: for
See also: past
Type of: abandon, act, come before, move, precede
Encyclopedia: Foregone