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Noun: forage  for-ij or fó-rij [N. Amer], fó-rij [Brit]
  1. Bulky food like grass or hay for browsing or grazing horses or cattle
    - eatage [dialect], pasture, pasturage, grass, grazing
  2. The act of searching for food and provisions
    - foraging
Verb: forage  for-ij or fó-rij [N. Amer], fó-rij [Brit]
  1. Collect or look around for (food)
    - scrounge
  2. Wander and feed
    "The animals forage in the woods"

Derived forms: foraged, foraging, forages

Type of: eat, feed, fodder, hunt, hunt down, hunting, run, search, track down

Encyclopedia: Forage