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Noun: finances  'fI,nan(t)-siz or fu'nan(t)-suz [N. Amer], 'fI,nan(t)-siz [Brit]
  1. Assets in the form of money
    "the necessary finances were obtained by the government's appropriation of the company's operating unit";
    - funds, monetary resource, cash in hand, pecuniary resource
Noun: finance  'fI,nan(t)s or fu'nan(t)s
  1. The commercial activity of providing funds and capital
  2. The branch of economics that studies the management of money and other assets
  3. The management of money and credit and banking and investments
Verb: finance  'fI,nan(t)s or fu'nan(t)s
  1. Obtain or provide money for
    "Can we finance the addition to our home?"
  2. Sell or provide on credit

Type of: assets, business, business enterprise, commercial enterprise, credit, direction, economic science, economics, management, pay, political economy

Encyclopedia: Finances

Finance, Public