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Adjective: faithful  feyth-ful
  1. Steadfast in affection or allegiance
    "years of faithful service"; "faithful employees"; "we do not doubt that England has a faithful patriot in the Lord Chancellor"
  2. Not having sexual relations with anyone except your husband or wife, or your boyfriend or girlfriend
    "he remained faithful to his wife"
  3. Marked by fidelity to an original
    "a faithful copy of the portrait";
    - close
Noun: faithful  feyth-ful
  1. Any loyal and steadfast following
  2. A group of people who adhere to a common faith and habitually attend a given church
    - congregation, fold

Derived forms: faithfuls

See also: accurate, constant, faithfulness, fast, fidelity, firm, loyal, straight-up [informal], true, true to, truehearted, trustable, trustworthy, trusty

Type of: followers, following, social group

Antonym: unfaithful

Part of: denomination

Encyclopedia: Faithful