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Adjective: excruciating  ik'skroo-shee,ey-ting or ek'skroo-shee,ey-ting
  1. Extremely painful
    "Quality software can be modified, if necessary, without excruciating time and effort";
    - agonizing, agonising [Brit], harrowing, torturing, torturous, torturesome
Verb: excruciate  ik'skroo-shee,eyt or ek'skroo-shee,eyt
  1. Torment emotionally or mentally
    - torment, torture, rack, wrack
  2. Subject to torture
    "The sinners will be excruciated in Hell, according to the Bible";
    - torture, torment

See also: painful

Type of: anguish, hurt, injure, pain, wound