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Adjective: enlightening  en'lIt-ning or en'lI-t(u)n-ing
  1. Tending to increase knowledge or dissipate ignorance
    "an enlightening glimpse of government in action";
    - informative, illuminating
  2. Enlightening or uplifting so as to encourage intellectual or moral improvement
    "the paintings in the church served an enlightening purpose even for those who could not read";
    - edifying
Verb: enlighten  en'lI-t(u)n
  1. Make understand
    "Can you enlighten me--I don't understand this proposal";
    - edify
  2. Give spiritual insight to; in religion
    - irradiate
  3. Make free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear
    - clear, clear up, shed light on, crystallize, crystallise [Brit], crystalize, crystalise [Brit], straighten out, sort out, illuminate, elucidate

Type of: clarify, clear up, elucidate, instruct, learn, prophesy, teach, vaticinate

Encyclopedia: Enlighten