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Noun: edging  e-jing
  1. Border consisting of anything placed on the edge to finish something (such as a fringe on clothing or on a rug)
Verb: edge  ej
  1. Advance slowly, as if by inches
    "He edged towards the car";
    - inch
  2. Provide with a border or edge
    "edge the tablecloth with embroidery";
    - border
  3. Lie adjacent to another or share a boundary
    "Canada edges the U.S.";
    - border, adjoin, abut, march, butt, butt against, butt on
  4. Provide with an edge
    "edge a blade"

Derived forms: edgings

See also: edge up

Type of: adjoin, advance, border, contact, furnish, go on, march on, meet, move on, offer, pass on, progress, provide, render, sharpen, supply, touch

Part of: arras, carpet, carpeting, cloth, fabric, material, rug, tapestry, textile

Encyclopedia: Edging

Edge, Shropshire