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Noun: disappearing  ,dis-u'peer-ing
  1. The act of leaving secretly or without explanation
    - disappearance
Verb: disappear  ,dis-u'peer
  1. Get lost, as without warning or explanation
    "He disappeared without a trace";
    - vanish, go away
  2. Become invisible or unnoticeable
    "The effect disappeared when day broke";
    - vanish, go away
  3. Cease to exist
    "An entire civilization disappeared";
    - vanish
  4. Become less intense and fade away gradually
    "her resistance disappeared under his charm";
    - melt, evaporate

Derived forms: disappearings

Type of: cease, departure, end, finish, going, going away, leaving, stop, terminate, weaken

Antonym: appearance, come along

Encyclopedia: Disappearing
