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Adjective: degrading  di'grey-ding
  1. Harmful to the mind or morals
    "the vicious and degrading cult of violence";
    - corrupting
  2. Used of conduct; characterized by dishonour
    - debasing
Verb: degrade  di'greyd
  1. Reduce the level of land, as by erosion
  2. Reduce in worth or character, usually verbally
    "She tends to degrade younger women colleagues";
    - take down, disgrace, demean, put down
  3. Lower the grade of something; reduce its worth
    - cheapen

See also: dishonorable [US], dishonourable [Brit, Cdn], noxious

Type of: abase, aggravate, chagrin, exacerbate, exasperate, humble, humiliate, mortify, worsen

Antonym: aggrade

Encyclopedia: Degrading
