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Noun: defect  'dee,fek(t) or di'fekt [N. Amer], 'dee,fek(t) [Brit]
  1. An imperfection in a bodily system
    "visual defects"; "this device permits detection of defects in the lungs"
  2. A failing or deficiency
    "that interpretation is an unfortunate defect of our lack of information";
    - shortcoming
  3. An imperfection in an object or machine
    "if there are any defects you should send it back to the manufacturer";
    - fault, flaw
  4. A mark or flaw that spoils the appearance of something (especially on a person's body)
    "a facial defect";
    - blemish, mar
Verb: defect  'dee,fek(t) or di'fekt [N. Amer], 'dee,fek(t) [Brit]
  1. Leave (a cause, a country or an army), often in order to join the opposing cause, country, or army
    - desert

Derived forms: defects, defecting, defected

Type of: appearance, cut and run [informal], disadvantage, flee, fly, imperfection, imperfectness, take flight, visual aspect

Encyclopedia: Defect