Adjective: decorated 'de-ku,rey-tid
- Provided with something intended to increase its beauty or distinction
"The decorated Christmas tree sparkled with ornaments";
- adorned
- Make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.
"Decorate the room for the party";
- adorn, grace, ornament, embellish, beautify, fancify
- Provide with decoration
"decorate the windows";
- dress
- Serve to decorate and look nice
"Flowers decorated the tables everywhere";
- deck, adorn, grace, embellish, beautify
- [Brit] Paint, wallpaper, or otherwise improve the appearance of interior walls and surfaces
"They spent the weekend decorating the living room"
- Award a mark of honour, such as a medal, to
"He was decorated for his services in the military"
See also: bedaubed, bespectacled, brocaded, buttony, carbuncled, champlevé, clad, clinquant, cloisonné, clothed, crested, crocketed, embossed, fancy, feathered, feathery, frilled, frilly, fringed, gemmed, gilt-edged, inflamed, inlaid, inwrought, jeweled [US], jewelled [Brit, Cdn], mounted, paneled [N. Amer], panelled [Brit], plumed, plumy, raised, ruffled, sequined, spangled, spangly, spectacled, studded, tapestried, tasseled [US], tasselled [Brit, Cdn], tessellated, tinseled [US], tinselled, tinselly, topknotted, tricked-out, tufted, wainscoted, wainscotted
Type of: alter, arrange, be, change, exist, fete, fête, honor [US], honour [Brit, Cdn], modify, reward, set up
Encyclopedia: Decorated