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Adjective: curving  kur-ving
  1. Having or marked by a curve or smoothly rounded bend
    "the curving tusks of a walrus";
    - curved
Verb: curve  kurv
  1. Turn sharply; change direction abruptly
    "The motorbike curved to the right";
    - swerve, sheer, trend, veer, slue, slew, cut
  2. Extend in curves and turns
    "The road curves around the lake";
    - wind[2], twist
  3. Form an arch or curve
    "her hips curve nicely";
    - arch, arc
  4. Bend or cause to bend
    "the road curved sharply";
    - crook
  5. Form a curl, curve, or kink
    "the cigar smoke curved up at the ceiling";
    - curl, kink

See also: arced, arched, arching, arciform, arcuate, bowed, curvey, curvilineal, curvilinear, curvy, eel-like, falcate, falciform, flexuous, hooked, hooklike, incurvate, incurved, recurvate, recurved, semicircular, serpentine, sickle-shaped, sinuate, sinuous, sinusoidal, snakelike, snaky, upcurved, wiggly

Type of: be, bend, change surface, flex, turn

Antonym: straight

Encyclopedia: Curving

Curve, Leicester