Noun: churn churn
- A vessel in which cream is agitated to separate butterfat from buttermilk
"The pioneer woman used a wooden butter churn to make fresh butter for her family";
- butter churn
- A measure of the number of people stopping a service or leaving a job over a given period
"The company worked to reduce its high customer churn rate";
- churn rate
- [Brit] A large metal container for milk
"The farmer poured the fresh milk into the churn"
- (cooking) stir (cream) vigorously in order to make butter
"They churned the cream for hours to make homemade butter"
- Be agitated
"the sea was churning in the storm";
- boil, moil [N. Amer], roil
Derived forms: churned, churning, churns
Encyclopedia: Churn