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Noun: chattering  cha-tu-ring
  1. The rapid series of noises made by the parts of a machine
    - chatter
  2. The high-pitched continuing noise made by animals (birds or monkeys)
    - chatter
Verb: chatter  cha-tu(r)
  1. Make a clicking sound repeatedly or uncontrollably
    "Chattering teeth";
    - click
  2. Cut unevenly with a chattering tool
  3. Talk socially without exchanging too much information
    "the men were sitting in the cafe and chattering";
    - chew the fat [informal], shoot the breeze [N. Amer, informal], chat, confabulate, confab [informal], chitchat [informal], chit-chat [informal], chaffer, natter [informal], gossip, jaw [informal], claver [UK, dialect], visit [N. Amer, informal], chew the rag [informal], gas [informal], gab [informal]
  4. Speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly
    - piffle, palaver [informal], prate, tittle-tattle, twaddle [informal], clack [informal], maunder, prattle, blab [informal], gibber, tattle, blabber [informal], gabble, vapour [Brit, Cdn], rabbit [Brit, informal], vapor [US], twattle [UK, dialect], witter [Brit, informal], yabber [Brit, informal], yatter [Brit, informal]
  5. Make noise as if chattering away
    "The magpies were chattering in the trees"

Derived forms: chatterings

Type of: converse, cut, discourse, go, mouth, noise, sound, speak, talk, utter, verbalise [Brit], verbalize

Encyclopedia: Chatter