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Verb: Charleston  chaa(r)lz-tun
  1. Dance the Charleston
Noun: Charleston  chaa(r)lz-tun
  1. A port city in southeastern South Carolina
  2. State capital of West Virginia in the central part of the state on the Kanawha river
    - capital of West Virginia
  3. An American ballroom dance in syncopated rhythm; popular early in the 20th century

Derived forms: Charlestons

Type of: ballroom dance, ballroom dancing, city, dance, metropolis, port, state capital, trip the light fantastic, trip the light fantastic toe, urban center [US], urban centre [Brit, Cdn]

Part of: Mountain State, Palmetto State, S.C., SC, South Carolina, W.V., West Virginia, WV

Encyclopedia: Charleston, South Carolina, in the Civil War