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Noun: censor  sen-su(r)
  1. Someone who censures or condemns
  2. A person who is authorized to read publications or correspondence or to watch theatrical performances and suppress in whole or in part anything considered obscene or politically unacceptable
Verb: censor  sen-su(r)
  1. Forbid the public distribution of (a movie or a newspaper)
    - ban
  2. Subject to political, religious, or moral censorship
    "This magazine is censored by the government"

Sounds like: sensor, censer

Derived forms: censored, censoring, censors

Type of: appraise, assess, criminalise [Brit], criminalize, evaluate, functionary, illegalise [Brit], illegalize, individual, measure, mortal, official, outlaw, person, scope, somebody, someone, soul, valuate, value

Encyclopedia: Censor