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Adjective: captivating  'kap-ti,vey-ting
  1. Capturing interest as if by a spell
    "Roosevelt was a captivating speaker";
    - bewitching, enchanting, enthralling, entrancing, fascinating
Verb: captivate  'kap-ti,veyt
  1. Cause rapt attraction or admiration; attract love
    "She captivated all the men's hearts";
    - capture, enamour [Brit, Cdn], trance, catch, becharm [archaic], enamor [US], beguile, charm, fascinate, bewitch, entrance, enchant
  2. Hold spellbound
    "They underestimate the power of painting has to sweetly enthral and captivate the hearts of men";
    - enchant, enrapture, transport, enthrall [US], ravish [literary], enthral [Brit, Cdn], entrance

See also: attractive

Type of: appeal, attract, delight, please

Encyclopedia: Captivating
