Adjective: bruising broo-zing
- Causing mental or emotional injury
"a bruising experience"; "protected from the bruising facts of battle"
- Brutally forceful and compelling
"protected from the bruising facts of battle"
- Cause a bruise or injury that discolours the skin without breaking it
"I bruised my knee";
- contuse [technical]
- Cause (somebody) emotional pain or offence
"This remark really bruised my ego";
- hurt, wound, injure, offend, spite
- Damage (plant tissue) by abrasion or pressure
"The customer bruised the strawberries by squeezing them"
- (cooking) break up into small pieces for food preparation
"bruise the berries with a wooden spoon and strain them"
Type of: arouse, crush, damage, elicit, enkindle [literary], evoke, injure, kindle, provoke, raise, wound
Encyclopedia: Bruising