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Noun: brahmin  braa-min
  1. A member of a social and cultural elite (especially a descendant of an old New England family)
    "a Boston brahmin";
    - brahman
  2. A member of the highest of the four Hindu varnas
    "originally all brahmins were priests";
    - brahman
  3. The highest of the four varnas: the priestly or sacerdotal category
    - brahman
Noun: Brahmin  braa-min
  1. Any of several breeds of Indian cattle; especially a large American heat and tick resistant greyish humped breed evolved in the Gulf States by interbreeding Indian cattle and now used chiefly for crossbreeding
    - Brahman, Brahma, Bos indicus

Derived forms: brahmins, Brahmins

Type of: aristo [informal], aristocrat, blue blood, bovine, Hindoo, Hindu, Hindustani, patrician, varna

Part of: Bos, genus Bos

Encyclopedia: Brahmin