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Noun: borrowing  bor-ow-ing or bór-ow-ing [N. Amer], bó-row-ing [Brit]
  1. The appropriation (of ideas or words etc) from another source
    "the borrowing of ancient motifs was very apparent";
    - adoption
  2. Obtaining funds from a lender
Verb: borrow  bor-ow or bór-ow [N. Amer], bó-row [Brit]
  1. Get temporarily
    "May I borrow your lawn mower?"
  2. Take up and practice as one's own
    - adopt, take over, take up

Derived forms: borrowings

Type of: accept, acquire, appropriation, dealing, dealings, get, have, take, transaction

Antonym: lend

Encyclopedia: Borrowing

Borrow, George