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Noun: blether  ble-dhu(r)
Usage: UK, dialect (=blather)
  1. Idle or foolish and irrelevant talk
    - prate, prattle, idle talk, chin music [US, informal], twattle [UK, dialect], blather
Verb: blether  ble-dhu(r)
Usage: UK, dialect (=blather)
  1. To talk foolishly
    "The two women blethered and crooned at the baby";
    - babble, blather, smatter, blither

Derived forms: blethers, blethering, blethered

Type of: blab [informal], blabber [informal], cackle, chatter, clack [informal], gabble, gibber, maunder, palaver [informal], piffle, prate, prattle, rabbit [Brit, informal], tattle, tittle-tattle, twaddle [informal], twattle [UK, dialect], vapor [US], vapour [Brit, Cdn], witter [Brit, informal], yabber [Brit, informal], yack [informal], yackety-yak [informal], yak, yakety-yak, yatter [informal]