Adjective: blemished ble-misht
- Marred by imperfections
"The blemished fruit was sold at a discount"
- Having a blemish or flaw
"a blemished diamond";
- flawed
- Add a flaw or blemish to; make imperfect or defective
"The scratch blemished the surface of the table";
- flaw
- Mar or impair with a flaw
"her face was blemished";
- spot
- Mar or spoil the appearance of
"scars blemished her cheeks";
- deface, disfigure
See also: acned, blebbed, blebby, blotchy, damaged, flyblown, imperfect, marred, pimpled, pimply, pocked, pockmarked, pustulate, scarred
Type of: begrime, bemire [archaic], colly [archaic], damage, deflower, dirty, grime, impair, mar, pollute, soil, spoil, vitiate
Antonym: unblemished
Encyclopedia: Blemish