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Adjective: blasting  blãs-ting
  1. Causing injury or blight; especially affecting with sudden violence or plague or ruin
    "the blasting effects of the intense cold on the budding fruit";
    - ruinous
  2. Unpleasantly loud and penetrating
    "shut our ears against the blasting music from his car radio";
    - blaring
Verb: blast  blãst
  1. Make a strident sound
    "She tended to blast when speaking into a microphone";
    - blare
  2. Hit with great force
    "He blasted a 3-run homer";
    - smash, nail, boom
  3. Use explosives on
    "The enemy has been blasting us all day";
    - shell
  4. Blow a strong draft or wind
    "the air conditioning was blasting cold air at us"
  5. Create by using explosives
    "blast a passage through the mountain";
    - shell
  6. Make with or as if with an explosion
    "blast a tunnel through the Alps"
  7. Fire a shot; release
    "the gunman blasted away";
    - shoot
  8. [informal] Criticize harshly or violently
    "The press blasted the new President";
    - savage, pillory, crucify
  9. Shatter as if by explosion
    - knock down
  10. Shrivel, wither or mature imperfectly

See also: destructive, loud

Type of: blow, bomb, bombard, create, criticise [Brit], criticize, cut, damn [informal], dash, discharge, fire, hit, knock [informal], make, make noise, noise, pick apart, resound, shrink, shrivel, shrivel up, smash, wither

Encyclopedia: Blasting
