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Noun: benny  be-nee
Usage: US (elsewhere: sesame)
  1. East Indian annual erect herb; source of sesame seed or benniseed and sesame oil
    - sesame, benne [US], benni [US], Sesamum indicum
  2. [N. Amer, slang] A form of amphetamine
    - Benzedrine, bennie [N. Amer, slang]
Noun: Benny
  1. United States comedian known for his timing and delivery and self-effacing humor (1894-1974)
    - Jack Benny, Benjamin Kubelsky

Derived forms: bennies

Type of: amphetamine, comedian, comic, funnyman, herb, herbaceous plant, pep pill [informal], speed [informal], upper [informal]

Part of: genus Sesamum, Sesamum

Encyclopedia: Benny, Eric