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Noun: barrack  ber-uk [N. Amer], ba-ruk [Brit]
  1. (military) a building or group of buildings used to house military personnel
Verb: barrack  ber-uk [N. Amer], ba-ruk [Brit]
  1. Lodge in barracks
  2. [Austral, NZ] Spur on or encourage especially by cheers and shouts
    "The crowd barracked the demonstrating strikers";
    - cheer, root on [N. Amer, informal], inspire, urge, urge on, exhort
  3. [Brit] Shout or laugh at with contempt and derision
    - jeer, scoff, flout, gibe

Derived forms: barracked, barracks, barracking

Type of: accommodate, bait, cod [Brit, informal], encourage, lodge, military quarters, rag, rally, razz [N. Amer, informal], ride [N. Amer, informal], taunt, tease, twit [informal], wind up [Brit, informal]

Encyclopedia: Barrack