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Adjective: authorised  'o-thu,rIzd
Usage: Brit (N. Amer: authorized)
  1. Sanctioned by established authority
    "an authorised communiqué";
    - authoritative, authorized
  2. Endowed with authority
    - authorized
Verb: authorise  'o-thu,rIz
Usage: Brit (N. Amer: authorize)
  1. Give or delegate power or authority to
    "She authorised her assistant to sign the papers";
    - empower, authorize
  2. Grant authorization or clearance for
    "The rock star never authorised this slanderous biography";
    - authorize, pass, clear

See also: accredited, approved, authorisation [Brit], authorization, canonised [Brit], canonized, commissioned, empowered, glorified, lawful, legitimate, licenced [Brit, Cdn], licensed, mandate, official, sanctioned, sceptered, sceptred

Type of: allow, appoint, charge, countenance, let, permit

Antonym: unauthorised [Brit]

Encyclopedia: Authorised
