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Adjective: Arawakan  ,er-u'waa-kun [N. Amer], ,a-ru'wa-kun [Brit]
  1. Of or relating to the peoples who speak the language of the Arawak
Noun: Arawakan  ,er-u'waa-kun [N. Amer], ,a-ru'wa-kun [Brit]
  1. A member of a widespread group of Amerindians living in northeastern South America
    - Arawak
  2. A family of South American Indian languages spoken in northeastern South America
    - Arawak

Type of: American Indian, American Indian language, American-Indian language, Amerind, Amerind language, Amerindian, Amerindian language, Indian, Indian language, Native American, Red Indian [archaic]

Encyclopedia: Arawakan