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Adjective: anticlockwise  ,an-tee'klók,wIz
Usage: Brit (N. Amer: counterclockwise)
  1. In the direction opposite to the rotation of the hands of a clock
    - counterclockwise [N. Amer], contraclockwise [non-standard]
Adverb: anticlockwise  ,an-tee'klók,wIz
Usage: Brit (N. Amer: counterclockwise)
  1. In a direction opposite to the direction in which the hands of a clock move
    "please move anticlockwise in a circle!";
    - counterclockwise [N. Amer]

See also: laevorotatory [Brit, Cdn], left-handed, levorotary [US], levorotatory [N. Amer], sinistral

Encyclopedia: Anticlockwise