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Adjective: anaesthetic  ,a-nus'the-tik
Usage: Brit, Cdn (US: anesthetic)
  1. Characterized by insensibility
    "the young girls are in a state of possession--blind and deaf and anaesthetic"; "an anaesthetic state";
    - anesthetic [N. Amer]
  2. Relating to or producing insensibility
    - anesthetic [N. Amer]
Noun: anaesthetic  ,a-nus'the-tik
Usage: Brit, Cdn (US: anesthetic)
  1. A drug that causes temporary loss of bodily sensations
    - anesthetic [N. Amer], anesthetic agent [N. Amer], anaesthetic agent [Brit, Cdn]

Derived forms: anaesthetics

See also: insensible

Type of: drug

Encyclopedia: Anaesthetic