Preposition: after ãf-tu(r)
- Subsequently to; at a later time than
"I went for a walk after dinner"
- In pursuit of
"run after him"
- Inquiring into
"ask after her health"
- Next in position, sequence or rank
"in the alphabet, B is after A"
- In allusion to, in imitation of; following or referencing
"named after his grandfather"
- As a result of
"she was sacked after her argument with the boss";
- following
- Coming at a later time or previous position
"he finished the race after me"; "he leaves a trail of destruction after him";
- following, behind
- Happening at a time subsequent to a reference time
"two hours after that";
- subsequently, later, afterwards, afterward, later on, since
- Behind or in the rear
"and Jill came tumbling after"
- In the following period of time
"I went home after the match finished"
See also: aft
Encyclopedia: After, Before