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Adjective: abused  u'byoozd
  1. Used improperly or excessively especially drugs
    "an abused substance"
  2. Subjected to cruel treatment
    "an abused wife";
    - ill-treated, maltreated, mistreated
Verb: abuse  u'byooz
  1. Treat badly
    "This boss abuses his workers";
    - mistreat, maltreat, ill-use, ill-treat, step on [informal]
  2. Use to one's advantage in a way that was not intended
    "Don't abuse the system";
    - pervert, misuse
  3. Use foul or abusive language towards
    "The actress abused the policeman who gave her a parking ticket";
    - clapperclaw [archaic], blackguard, shout
  4. Use wrongly, improperly or excessively
    "Her husband often abuses alcohol"; "while she was pregnant, she abused drugs"
  5. Subject to sexual assault
    "she was abused by her uncle";
    - sexually assault

See also: battered, misused

Type of: assail, assault, attack, do by, expend, handle, lash out, round, snipe, treat, use

Encyclopedia: Abused

Abuse, substance