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Adjective: absent  ab-sunt
  1. Not being in a specified place
  2. Nonexistent
    "the thumb is absent";
    - lacking, missing, wanting
  3. Lost in thought; showing preoccupation
    "an absent stare";
    - absentminded, abstracted, scatty [Brit, informal]
Verb: absent  ab-sunt
  1. Stay away or leave
    "He absented himself";
    - remove
Preposition: absent  ab-sunt
Usage: N. Amer
  1. In absence of
    "absent the latter assumption, we get a different result";
    - without

Derived forms: absented, absenting, absents

See also: away, awol, inattentive, introuvable, nonexistent, presence, truant, unattentive [rare]

Type of: disappear, go away, vanish

Antonym: present

Encyclopedia: Absent