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Adjective: vicious  vi-shus
  1. (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering
    "vicious kicks";
    - barbarous, brutal, cruel, fell, roughshod, savage
  2. Having the nature of vice
    - evil
  3. Bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure
    "a vicious waste of talent";
    - condemnable, criminal, deplorable, reprehensible
  4. Marked by deep ill will; deliberately harmful
    "vicious gossip"; "took vicious pleasure in...watching me wince";
    - poisonous, venomous, viperous, malicious

See also: beady-eyed, bitchy [informal], cattish, catty, despiteful, inhumane, leering, malevolent, spiteful, venomed, vindictive, vixenish, wicked, wrong

Encyclopedia: Vicious