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Noun: treasure  tre-zhu(r)
  1. Accumulated wealth in the form of money or jewels etc.
    "the pirates hid their treasure on a small island in the West Indies";
    - hoarded wealth
  2. Art highly prized for its beauty or perfection
    - gem
  3. Any possession that is highly valued by its owner
    "the children returned from the seashore with their shells and other treasures"
  4. A collection of precious things
    "the trunk held all her meagre treasures"
  5. [informal] A brilliant or much-loved person who is highly valued
    - jewel, gem, pearl [informal]
Verb: treasure  tre-zhu(r)
  1. Hold dear
    "I treasure these old photographs";
    - prize, value, appreciate
  2. Be fond of; be attached to
    - care for, cherish, hold dear

Derived forms: treasuring, treasures, treasured

Type of: accumulation, aggregation, art, assemblage, collection, consider, fine art, individual, love, mortal, person, possession, reckon, regard, riches, see, somebody, someone, soul, view, wealth

Encyclopedia: Treasure, John