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Noun: luck  lúk
  1. Your overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you)
    "the luck of the Irish";
    - fortune, destiny, fate, lot, circumstances, portion, circs [Brit, informal]
  2. An unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another
    "bad luck caused his downfall";
    - fortune, chance, hazard
  3. An unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that leads to a favourable outcome
    "it was my good luck to be there"; "they say luck is a lady";
    - fortune
Verb: luck  lúk
Usage: informal
  1. Succeed by luck
    "I lucked out and found the last parking spot in the lot";
    - luck out [N. Amer], hit the jackpot [informal]

Derived forms: lucked, lucks, lucking

Type of: bring home the bacon [informal], come through, come up trumps [Brit, informal], condition, deliver the goods, phenomenon, succeed, turn up trumps [Brit, informal], win

Encyclopedia: Luck, Ukraine