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Noun: guernsey elm
  1. A variety of the English elm with erect branches and broader leaves
    - Jersey elm, wheately elm, Ulmus sarniensis, Ulmus campestris sarniensis, Ulmus campestris wheatleyi
Noun: Guernsey  gurn-zee
  1. A Channel Island to the northwest of Jersey
    - island of Guernsey
  2. Breed of dairy cattle from the island of Guernsey
  3. A shirt or jumper worn by a football player
  4. A thick woollen sweater traditionally worn by fishermen

Derived forms: Guernseys

Type of: Channel Island, dairy cattle, dairy cow, elm, elm tree, milch cow, milcher, milk cow, milker

Part of: genus Ulmus, Ulmus

Encyclopedia: Guernsey elm

Guernsey, John