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Adjective: breathless  breth-lus
  1. Not breathing or able to breathe except with difficulty
    "breathless at the thought of what I had done"; "followed the match with breathless interest";
    - dyspneic [Brit, N. Amer], dyspnoeic [Brit, Cdn], dyspneal [N. Amer], dyspnoeal [Brit, Cdn], dyspoeic, dyspeic
  2. Tending to cause suspension of regular breathing
    "a breathless flight"
  3. Appearing dead; not breathing or having no perceptible pulse
    - inanimate, pulseless
  4. Breathing heavily (as after exertion)
    - out of breath, puffed [Brit], gasping, short-winded

See also: asphyxiating, blown, choking, dead, exciting, pursy [archaic], short-winded, smothering, suffocating, suffocative, unventilated, winded

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